A “kick-off” statement about this Group
A “kick-off” statement about this Group
Whether it’s called a “Garry Owen” or a “Midfield Bomb”, the principal “up & under” concept behind this group is to promote, encourage, facilitate & assist those who are already (&/or maybe considering) modelling accurately NZ’s 1067 mm gauge railways, to a scale of 1:48, for operation on “fine scale” track, in accordance with “Recommended Practices” (Standards”), as formulated by the NZ48 SIG on their NZ48 Facebook site.
Although no “exclusivity” is suggested or intended, ideally members may focus on modelling in 1:48 scale, and adopting a ” finescale” approach to fidelity as evinced by other rail modeller groups such as 9MM/P64/NZ120 (NZ), P4/S7/2MM,S Scale Society (UK) and P48 (US).
Discussions about NZ48 kits & parts, useful information, recommended practices,and modelling progress on NZ48 projects are all encouraged, as are questions, opinions and “constructive criticism”, (the latter always keeping within the bounds of decency please.)
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