What is HOnz? Why HOnz? Where can you get HOnz products from?

  • What is HOnz? Why HOnz? Where can you get HOnz products from?

    Posted by Lewis on 30 April 2024 at 11:18 am

    This is a general post covering the above questions.

    What is HOnz?

    HOnz is the New Zealand version of HOn3.5, that is, HO scale railways (1:87.1) on 12mm gauge track to represent “narrow gauge” of 1067mm in real life.
    Why HOnz?

    HO scale is an (almost!) near-global standard for model railways which means a lot of products – from buildings, people, cars and trucks etc – are readily available at high quality.

    Combined with the availability of 12mm gauge commercial track (e.g. PECO HOm), mechanisms (mainly HOm but also including TT scale, which also uses 12mm gauge track), HOnz represents a great choice for those interested in the New Zealand prototype, especially the modern era.

    HOn3.5 is growing in popularity in Australia, especially in Queensland where narrow gauge is the state’s major gauge, but also in Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania. This means there are now a number of commercial ready-to-run HOn3.5 locomotives, wagons etc available.

    Where can you get HOnz products from?

    Track: commercially available HOm flex track is available from Wuiske Models in Australia, and PECO globally. TT scale track is also available, but note this is designed for 1:120 scale trains.

    Wheelsets: available from 3 Foot 6 Models (30″ NZR wheelsets), Wuiske Models, CGL Models

    Locomotives: RTR locomotives available from SDS and CGL Models (Australia) – 1460 class, i.e. the Tranz Rail QR class locomotive, can be converted into the DQ class as well.

    • This discussion was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by  Lewis.
    • This discussion was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by  Lewis.
    Lewis replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Andrew

    3 May 2024 at 11:55 am

    Hi Lewis

    I am interested in giving this a crack, having previously modelled in both HO and OO scales with US, Marklin and British outline. Always wanted to do have some NZ models and the smaller footprint of HOnz appeals. Any thoughts on were to start? I was thinking one of the 3foot6 LC wagons might be a good beginning project to test my skills? Cheers Andrew (Timaru)

    • Lewis

      4 May 2024 at 3:28 pm

      Hey Andrew, thanks – it seems the commercial availability of the QR 1460 class has whetted a lot of appetites! Drop me a like at sales@3foot6models.com and I’ll let you know what I’ve got available.

      Cheers, Lewis

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