NZ48 Info Pak

  • NZ48 Info Pak

    Posted by Greg on 6 May 2024 at 1:55 pm

    As part of preparation for the proposed NZ48 SIG at the recent NZAMRC Convention here in Henderson, a small “Info Pak” was prepared for distribution to likely future 1:48 rail modellers.

    Despite the added attraction of special “taste delights” all the way from Timaru in the shape of Mrs May’s famous mince pies & Denheath custard squares, a mere handful of the Convention’s 100+ attendees came to sample those wares, and observe/discuss the NZ48 models and material which was on display.

    Having posted the Info Pak pages to the NZ48 Group’s Facebook page, I am also in the process of adding each page as a PDF as an “Album” on this, the NZMR Guild’s new website.

    In addition to general information about the state of play with NZ48 as an option to model NZ railways at a “fine scale” level, the pak also contains practical information about the specially commissioned scale 2′ 6 1/4″ wagon wheels,bogies and etched underframes available.

    Greg replied 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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